Time and space to grow and mature
Into a respective human being
As I listening in the quiet places
No need for fear or being manipulated
Holding on to metaphors and impressions I need
Focus on the affirmative, success and treasure
For as a man thinks in his heart so is he
I ask and hope that shall receive.
Our thoughts influence the world around us
So focus on the things you desire
To bring you helpful thoughts into reality
Encouraging results, victory and large quantity
And trying this all out influencing the sphere around me
Notice when I luck something because it natural
But focus on my kindness and imagination
On how good it feels to have those in place
And to let go of the not good enough
Then focus on the good feeling I will have
If I have the thing I want
So emphasis is not on the luck but on the reward
Therefore, I have nothing to loose
Only letting go of my need or want
Everything I desire getting connected to me
Liking what I desire in that
Feeling that I already possess it, worthy of it
Keeps my attention purposefully absorbed
Relaxing and things easily show up in my life
And letting of the outcome for others to take care
Focusing more on what I want
As I enjoy bathing in the positive
Since I know what my attention and intention is
Whenever I want something is because I want to feel better
Keeping my intentions on being well and feeling healthy
Since I have the idea of letting go
Giving myself permission to letting go
So as to discover the inner me
For self-love and trust